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Giovanni Sutanto earned a degree in Electrical Engineering, specialized in Control Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia in 2010, after completing his final project on omnidirectional walking pattern generation for a small size humanoid robot (see demo video below). From 2010 to 2013, he worked as a Robotics Engineer at ABB Robotics Indonesia. He then earned his M.S. Computer Science (Intelligent Robotics) degree from USC in May 2015, and continue pursuing a Ph.D. degree also at USC Computer Science department since Fall 2015, under the supervision of Professor Stefan Schaal. He has been working in Computational Learning and Motor Control Lab since Summer 2014, in haptics (see demo video below) and virtual force field generation on SARCOS Exoskeleton Master Arm Robot, particularly for studying human motor learning and adaptation under perturbation. In the Ph.D. program he is specialized in the research on learning general representation of feedback models/coupling terms for Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs), for example in learning obstacle-avoidance feedback model (see demo video below) and in learning tactile feedback model (see demo video below).

Research Interests:

Robotics, Learning-from-Demonstration (especially Dynamic Movement Primitives (DMPs)), Reinforcement Learning, Convex Optimization, Control of Dynamical Systems

Curriculum Vitae | Google Scholar


gsutanto AT


Personal Homepage:

Giovanni Sutanto's Homepage

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Page last modified on March 25, 2019, at 10:31 PM